7. Tiga Hal dalam Meditasi
Ketika kita membayangkan aktivitas meditasi, ada tiga hal yang terkait. Pertama, ada individu yang bermeditasi, "dhyata", kedua, ada objek meditasi "dhyeya"; dan ketiga, ada proses meditasi itu sendiri, "dhyana". Dalam meditasi yang benar, ketiganya harus menyatu. Individu yang bermeditasi harus mengidentifikasi dirinya sepenuhnya dengan objek meditasi dan bahkan harus tidak menyadari kenyataan bahwa ia sedang bermeditasi. Ketika ia bermeditasi, perhatiannya harus begitu terpusat pada "dhyeya" sehingga ia kehilangan identitasnya sendiri dan juga terlupa sedang terlibat dalam kegiatan (Dhyana) -nya.
Summer Shower in Brindavan 1971 halaman 81
When we think of meditation, three things are involved. First, there is a person who meditates, "dhyata", secondly, thereis the object of meditation "dhyeya"; and thirdly, there is a process of meditation itself, "dhyana". In true meditation, all these three should merge. The person who is meditating should identify himself totally with the object of meditation and should be unaware of even the fact that he is meditating. When he is meditating, his attention should be so riveted to "dhyeya" that he loses he own identity and forgets his involvement in the acion (Dhyana), too.
Summer Shower in Brindavan 1971 page 81